با سلام خدمت دوستان گرامي
بنده مدتي بود كه در خصوص داروي stem cell dream MZ دنبال اطلاعات بودم و عاقبت به FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) ايميل زدم و از اونا كمك خواستم
"Dear Sir/Madam
Hereby I would like to kindly request you to send me some information about a drug named "STEM CELL DREAM MZ". I would be really appreciated if you kindly inform me that the drug is confirmed by your organization or not.
Sincerely yours
Amir Omidi"
و پاسخ آنها
"Dear Amir,
Thank you for writing the Division of Drug Information, in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.
This is not an FDA approved drug and has not been evaluated by the FDA for safety and efficacy.
Best regards,
Division of Drug Information
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
For up-to-date drug information, follow the FDA's Division of Drug Information on Twitter at FDA_Drug_Info"
كه در اين پاسخ اشاره شده كه اين موسسه اين دارو را تاييد نكرده است. در ضمن آدرس سايت FDA بصورت زير است